Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Potty Training

Bailey took to potty training right away. We got her the friday of a long weekend and during the day she was taken outside every couple of hours. The first couple of nights I set my alarm to get me up at 2 AM to take her out to potty, but she would start whining around midnight so I would take her out then and then into my bedroom until she dozed back off. The second night I dozed off too, until she started whining again around 5 AM and woke me up. I think that night my snoring may have frightened her, because after that night she didn't whine anymore and slept until I got her up to go out at 2AM.
My Mother being retired, she kept up with taking Bailey out every couple of hours during the day. Bailey quickly learned to go to the door when she needed to go out and after the first week, she was sleeping through the night until I woke up at 4:30 AM to get ready for work.
This of course worked fine for us because my mother was home during the day to take the puppy out, but I know a lot of people get puppies and have to leave them alone the entire day while they are at school or work. My recomendation for this would be to place the puppy in a room where they can't destroy anything and to set their bed and toys up in a crate in one corner of the room, then place a puppy pad in the other end of the room. While you are home, put the puppy pad near the back door and everytime they need to go, move them to the pad. Once they get used to the pad, they should start using the pad in their room. Also leave the Television or Radio on softly in their room. A bored Puppy is a destructive puppy.

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